
9 kuld med 16 drenge og 12 piger :slight_smile:


her er huset er der født
huskattekuld 3 piger +2 drenge
uægte kuld 2 drenge 1 pige
ægte 3 drenge 2 piger
ægte 2 piger
ægte 1 dreng
ægte 2 piger
ægte 1 dreng
ialt 10 piger og 9 drenge… altså ret ligeligt fordelt…

3 kuld med 5 piger og 3 drenge…og de er ligesom min onkel Arne:wehuu:

et lidt støre statistisk materiale:

fra Australian Veterinary Journal, Volume 64, Issue 7, pages 197–200, July 1987

SUMMARY: A survey of Brisbane catteries was carried out to investigate reproductive patterns of pedigree cats. Eighteen breeders supplied data on 751 litters with a total of 3171 kittens covering the Persian, Chinchilla, Siamese, Burmese and Abyssinian breeds. The overall sex ratio at birth was 100 males to 92 females. There was a significant seasonal effect on sex ratio with litters conceived during the wet season (September to February) producing more males than expected and litters conceived during the dry season producing more females than expected. Litter size and breed had no significant effect on the sex ratio. The average litter size varied with the breed with the most prolific being the Burmese (5.0) then the Siamese (4.5), Persian (3.9), Abyssinian (3.5) and Chinchilla (2.8). The average litter size was smaller for the first litter than for the subsequent 3 litters. The maximum average litter size was reached at 6 years with only a moderate decline thereafter. There was a seasonal fluctuation in births with the greatest numbers being born in spring and the least in late autumn. Longhair cats showed a more marked seasonal distribution of births than the shorthairs which reproduced for most of the year, particularly the Burmese breed.

4 kuld - 19 killinger- af dem en med åben bug - køn ukendt.
10 drenge - 8 piger - 1 ? 5 haleknæk, 6 døde: 1 slugte sytråd, 3( helt kuld) gik til pga infektion, 2 pga infektion ( samme mor - rynke- historien er kendt og hun er nu lykkelig kastrat).
det mest skod er i virkeligheden haleknækkene. 3 hos to kuld peterbalds og denne gang 3 drenge i et kuld på 6. hrmp!

Af mine 3 kuld ser det således ud

  1. uægte 2 piger og 6 drenge
  2. uægte 4 piger og 1 dreng
  3. ægte 1 pige og 4 drenge, desværre var der kun 2 af drengene overlevede

46 hunkillinger og 59 hankillinger her.

[quote=Musashi;482193]et lidt støre statistisk materiale:

fra Australian Veterinary Journal, Volume 64, Issue 7, pages 197–200, July 1987

SUMMARY: A survey of Brisbane catteries was carried out to investigate reproductive patterns of pedigree cats. Eighteen breeders supplied data on 751 litters with a total of 3171 kittens covering the Persian, Chinchilla, Siamese, Burmese and Abyssinian breeds. The overall sex ratio at birth was 100 males to 92 females. There was a significant seasonal effect on sex ratio with litters conceived during the wet season (September to February) producing more males than expected and litters conceived during the dry season producing more females than expected. Litter size and breed had no significant effect on the sex ratio. The average litter size varied with the breed with the most prolific being the Burmese (5.0) then the Siamese (4.5), Persian (3.9), Abyssinian (3.5) and Chinchilla (2.8). The average litter size was smaller for the first litter than for the subsequent 3 litters. The maximum average litter size was reached at 6 years with only a moderate decline thereafter. There was a seasonal fluctuation in births with the greatest numbers being born in spring and the least in late autumn. Longhair cats showed a more marked seasonal distribution of births than the shorthairs which reproduced for most of the year, particularly the Burmese breed.[/quote]

Det var da egentlig utrolig spændende, jeg kom i tanke om et program jeg engang så omkring menneskenes reproduktion, og der blev nævnt at under normale omstændigheder, så bliver der født en brøkdel flere drengebørn, men efter f.eks en naturkatastrofe, så stiger andelen af pigebørn.