Introduktion af kat til hund


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  • ny kat i hjem med hund (og katte - så hund kender katte - men nye kat gør det ikke)

Jeg fandt nedenstående tekst i Vicky Halls newsletter - til dem med hund/kat - hvad syntes I om råd ?

Introducing A Puppy Or Adult Dog To An Adult Cat (extract from ‘The Complete Cat’ Vicky Halls)

“I have often said that some cat and dog relationships are great, despite what all the cartoons tell you. Introducing an adult dog to an adult cat may be difficult since many dogs, confronted with a disappearing cat, will automatically give chase even if they have no intention of doing harm should they catch it. If your cat has no experience of dogs this can be a distressing experience and many, given the opportunity, will leave home for a period of time before coming to terms with this drastic change in the household.
The breed of dog chosen will also influence the future canine/feline relationship in your home. Terriers, greyhounds and other breeds designed to chase small furry objects are ideally to be avoided as this combination is probably just asking for trouble. The breeds that are traditionally considered good with children such has the Golden Labrador, Retriever or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are probably sensible choices for multi-species living.
A puppy is easier to work with as it is young and malleable and will soon become used to the presence of another species, treating it as just another member of the family. However, it is probably still best to adhere to the recommendation above of „suitable‟ breeds.

 Ensure there are plenty of high resting places in the home where your cat can retreat, away from the new arrival.

 Consider placing a baby gate at the bottom of your stairs to give your cat sanctuary of the first floor.

 Introduce your puppy or dog to his new home by using a puppy pen or crate.

 If you are introducing an adult dog, then the pen can be used for quiet times and sleeping.

 Plan ahead and start to feed your cat in an area way from the location where you intend to put the puppy pen or dog crate; this will prevent your cat going off his food.

 Try to place the pen well away from the thoroughfare leading to the cat flap or normal exit route for your cat.

 If litter trays are provided indoors, ensure they are located discreetly and in areas where our new puppy will not be able to go.

 Introduce the new puppy to your cat in a room where the cat can easily escape.

 Hold your puppy and allow the cat to approach, if willing.

 Your cat may hiss or growl but if you are holding the puppy you can protect him from any aggressive advances.

 Allow the cat to be in the room where the puppy’s pen is located.

 When your puppy is out of the pen it is advisable to keep a long lead on his collar to stop him from chasing your cat.

 Don’t allow any unsupervised encounters until both parties are relaxed in each other’s presence and the puppy has been trained not to chase.

 If you are introducing to an adult dog, then place him in his pen with a tasty chew and bring your cat into the room.

 Give your cat attention at this time. Grooming, play or his favourite food treat will help to create positive associations with his new canine pal.

 When your cat seems relaxed in the same room as the puppy you can open the pen, with the dog on the lead, and allow the puppy to sit beside you whilst you hold him on the lead to prevent him from chasing and reward his calm behaviour with a treat.

 Continue to have the dog and cat in the same room (with the dog on a lead) and give food treats to reward calm, relaxed behaviour.

 After a few weeks, depending on progress, you can try without the lead.”

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