Leukæmi projectet

Jeg lovede i en eller anden tråd om samme emne, at få prøve at finde et digert værk jeg tidligere havde set, om et FeLV project - her er det:

Glæder mig til en venlig sjæl læser det igennem og beretter, tak:-)

Den engelske sammensætning, som var i materialet jeg oprindelig kiggede på, har jeg fundet her:


  1. The review of the literature in this doctoral thesis displays the current knowledge of feline leukaemia virus research according to virus classification, life cycle, epidemiology, prevalence, associated diseases, pathogenesis, detection methods and differences to endogenous retroviral sequences. It emphasizes the knowledge about latent FeLV infection.

  2. This study includes 302 necropsied cats that were sent for routine diagnostic purposes to the Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Samples were taken continuously without preselection.

  3. A seminested PCR for detection of an exogenous U3 sequence was established and performed by modified use of previously published primers. In addition, immunohistology was performed for exclusion of productive FeLV infection. Case histories, signalement, pathological findings and diseases as well as degree of deterioration were included in this study for statistical analysis.

  4. Data were analyzed statistically with different methods. A p = 0,05 as niveau of significance was determined for the individual test. For statistical analysis the immunhistologically FeLV-positive cats were removed from the population.

  5. The results of this study suggest that latency is the most frequent outcome of FeLV infection with a prevalence of 50 % in the population.

  6. Non-viral infections occurred significantly more often in cats with latent FeLV infection when compared to the population.

  7. Trauma and gastrointestinal ulcerations of non-uremic origin were significantly less frequent in cats with latent FeLV infection when compared to the population.

  8. Compared to the trauma population, other diseases or diagnoses showed a significant association with latent FeLV infection: lymphoid depletion (spleen), lymphoid depletion (lymph nodes), follicular hyperplasia (lymph nodes), cardiomyopathies, fluids in body cavities (non-inflammatory), otitis, worm infestation, bacterial infection, parvovirus infection, epithelial tumors, anemia, interstitial nephritis, (multifocal) suppurative inflammation, enteritis (without feline infectious panleukopenia) and calcification of renal tubules.

  9. Old cats showed significantly more often latent FeLV infections than young cats.

  10. Male cats were significantly more often latently FeLV infected than female cats.

  11. This study is an explorative investigation. The statistically significant associations are not to be interpreted directly as a causative linkage between the respective diagnosis and latent FeLV infection.

super du fandt den - interessant - engelske resume er også i opgaven fra side 127

specielt interessant at;

  1. The results of this study suggest that latency is the most frequent outcome of FeLV infection with a prevalence of 50 % in the population.

og punkt 6 og 8 der opridser de sygdomme, som der er fundet øget forekomst af hos latente katte…

Ældre katte er overrepræsenteret, ligesom hanner er overpræsenteret i
forhold til hunner.

Er det så fordi, at hunnerne bukker under tidligere i forløbet, og dermed
ikke kommer til at indgå i undersøgelsesmaterialet, hvor de ældre katte er
overrepræsenteret :?

Spændende :slight_smile: …men også lidt langhåret!